I will start by introducing myself as the only Frenchman in this community

So as you can see my nickname is Skyzo, but my name is Tristan.
I am 22 yo and I'm living in a city name Arras in the north of France.
I'm currently studying in a IT engineer school, in 5th year, my last before working in september 2019 :'(
For people know me on teamspeak I can speak english, so if you want to talk in english there is absolutely no problem but in german I only remember few words/sentences so it's hard haha
But be reassured, I like it and it doesn't bother me to hear you all the time xD
If you have any questions or want more infos, I invite you to pm me or add me on steam with my steam ID : STEAM_0:1:24361281

See you on TS or IG !